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Great post. And very true. I think the judges were great people, but it lacked something, and I think you have hit the nail on the head as to why it didn't live up to the promise.

P.S they were looking for contestants for the second series before this one went on air.


The fact that really only one third of the programme was focused on growing was why it lost interest for me. We need more horticulture advice.

I don't understand the obsession with flower arranging either. Very few allotment holders are interested. So I would ditch Jonathan!

The bits on cooking produce could be expanded beyond pickles.

I agree that they should not get rid of the contestants but do it on points.


Thank you, Pianolearner. You're right, all the judges were nice, but I they needed to play off other people a bit more. They were looking for contestants for next year, so it'll be interesting to see what happens to the way the programme's presented.

Definitely too much flower arranging, Bruce. I get the impression the producers looked at categories in a local horticultural show and ran out of imagination.

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