NB This site has now disappeared from the web. It refers to ButterflyGarden.co.uk, which was a super resource. Sad to see it go.
You’d think it would be easy. But…
The difficulty of identifying butterflies became apparent when a friend and I “did” the local (and prolific) Lepidoptera of South Africa on holiday. Not only were our subjects never still, but we found that many looked very alike, especially those named Greater and Lesser. Our fervour for self-education lasted—ooh, half an hour.
But if you find yourself staring at one that isn’t white and sitting on a cabbage (no problem identifying those!) and wondering what it is, the charming Butterfly Garden can help.
Illustrated with beautiful photos taken by Linda Walls in her Gloucestershire garden, it contains information on each of the fifty-eight resident British butterfly species and on forty-five plants to attract butterflies.
She also gives a month-by-month breakdown of which butterflies are on the wing, tips on photography and help with identification.
It’s poignant viewing because Linda died in 2006 after fighting leukaemia. Her husband honoured her wish that the site remain available and it’s an attractive and helpful resource that stands as a lovely memorial to Linda.