Sadly, and perhaps inevitably, the website mentioned below has disappeared. Oh, Well, it was fun while it lasted. (9/2016)
A lot of us will be transplanting spring cabbages about now. Do you look at your seedlings and think, Gosh, I wish I was a cabbage? No? Well, be ready to change your mind.
Cabbages gain a whole new personality (OK, forget the “new”) in The Page that Turns You into a Cabbage.
Created in New Zealand (don’t get out much down there, huh, chaps?) it’s the most fun I’ve had (on a website, I hasten to add) for some time. Download your personal cabbage converter/anti-converter, post your experience as pak choy, and sing along with the cabbage anthem. The cabbage FAQ explains how to deal with your new identity and there are a couple of serious pages about different types of cruciferae.
Go on, you know you want to.