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Stephen Hayes

Very nice. I wanted to get to the Norman Rockwell exhibition but had too much on and the Dulwich gallery is not easy by tube so i couldn't pack in a flying visit on the one day in March I was in the capital.

I read a really condescending review of it by Brian Sewell in the Evening Standard, I usually like Sewell but thought he's being snobbish, 'anything as nice as this can't be proper art'. I like Rockwell's vision of America as it should be even if its not as true to life as it might be. There is gritty reality and other ugly genres for those who must have them. You gotta have a dream......

Helen Gazeley

Couldn't agree more, Stephen. Besides the bad things in life are not the only reality. Opinion seems to be that if you emphasise the kindnesses of life, you're giving an unbalanced view. But if you depict the unpleasant things, you're painting a true picture. They both exist. Thank you for posting.

By the way, in case you want to visit in the future, Dulwich gallery is only ten mins walk from the overland train station, which is only about ten mins from Victoria.

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