August seems a little early to mention bare-root fruit trees, as these don't go in until November at the very earliest, but here's something that you need to know about now if you're interested. If you think you might be adding a fruit tree to your garden this winter, but aren't sure what to order, then this opportunity from Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (NB 2014: offer now discontinued) might help your decision.
They're offering a range of tasting boxes of fruit grown at Brogdale Fruit Collection or Heritage Orchards, also at Brogdale Farm, in selections such as Cox's Orange Pippin strains and Chef's Apples, as well as boxes of pears, quinces, plums, gages and damsons. If you're interested in a particular variety, it might be possible to include it.
They recommend ordering in advance, as stocks are limited, and will deliver 2.5kg of early-mid or late-season apples in August to October, depending on the varieties.
I've thought for ages that Brogdale was missing out on ways to exploit the fruit it grows, and this looks like a good way to get to know some of our lesser known varieties. Of course, taste varies according to weather conditions and soil, so a variety might not taste quite the same as it does from Brogdale when grown in your garden, but at least you'll have a better idea of the taste it has. Boxes are priced at £26 and it looks as if that includes delivery.