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Interesting - I have exactly the same combination of heavy wet clay and ground elder. But I fear your remedy of improving the soil will only encourage it - it will move its roots up into the nice stuff and just keep going. If you can't use weedkiller, I've found that burning every shoot and leaf as they emerge, with a weed wand does a lot to discourage it. But you have to burn every week,as a minimum.


Hi, Kininvie I hear what you're saying, and improving the soil seems counter-intuitive. But I'm banking on the idea that once the soil's in good condition, the roots lift out much more easily and can be kept in check. Charles Dowding, the no-dig expert, says this, so I'll give it a go. Hate weedkiller, but I did try Round-up on the ground elder once. It merely thumbed its nose at me and laughed. Hadn't thought of burning, though - wouldn't have to bend down so much to do that, which would be good.

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