Puzzles are one of those things that you love or hate. Sometimes both. I can go for months without wanting to Sudoku, then get an urge that sees me solving them daily for a month.
It's funny what appeals. Word Searches have never lit my fire, but some people buy whole books of them. You might know someone who enjoys both and, if so, Sudoku for Garden Lovers by M£R Puzzles would be an extraordinarily well aimed present and, although not big, probably one of the most appreciated come Boxing Day by the fire.
You have to raise your hat to them. Not only have they devised a whole lot of sudokus but, when complete, each one can be translated into a Word Search grid (each number equates to a letter) and, as a bonus, there's a cryptic clue to a nine-letter garden-related word or phrase also hidden in the grid. Goodness knows how you manage to create something like that, but they have.
If you nip over their website, you can download a free sample to try out. My only gripe was that, as a Sudoku solver who likes to jot numbers around the outside of the grid, in the book they sent me to try out some of the photos which form backgrounds to the grids were a bit dark to allow me to do this. However, it's a small gripe, and Kim Roscoe, of M&R Puzzles, tells me they've spotted this themselves and will be doing something about it in further editions.