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An interesting post and I agree with all you say.
In this case they're trying to impose censorship on your blog which I would find unacceptable, and I don't see any valid reason why you should remove the review post.
Flighty xx


I think you've been more than fair in researching whether the situation has changed since your honest review and the company has also had an opportunity to look at and correct the minus points you've raised. Therefore the review should stand.

Luckily the companies I've dealt with welcome my warts and all reviews and see there's an opportunity to improve products/service if there are any problems. I hope that continues!

Emma Cooper

They asked for a fair and honest review, and admit that's what they got. They have the right to comment on it, as much as anyone else, and yet (it appears) they have failed to publicly respond.

They wouldn't (and couldn't) ask if it was an Amazon review by a customer.

You've given it a lot of thought and clearly don't find this an easy request to simply accede to, so I would say let it stand :)


That's a good point about Amazon, Emma - hadn't thought about that. It was such a surprise, Michelle, to get their email - as you say, companies generally take things on the chin. Flighty - much appreciated. I think the thing that really got me wondering was about timescale. Must be galling to see reviews turning up regularly that once upon a time would have long gone as chip paper. Thank you all for commenting.

Matt @ Garden59

I'd do exactly what you've done, Helen. As to whether reviews should have a shelf life, the post is dated so it's clear for people to see at what point you were giving your opinion.

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