You only have to look at the various autumn planting combinations I've featured so far to realise that pinks and purples predominate in autumn (not to mention dahlias - what did we do before they were back in fashion?). In fact,most of the flowers featured tone rather than contrast with each other. This definitely works best where the plants have very distinctive shapes.
The above picture was taken last autumn on an accidental visit to Savill Gardens. These are known for their autumn colour and I'd have liked to dawdle. However, we were with friends (not gardeners) and we were there to talk, not look. Too long a pause for a photo and I was in danger of losing the group altogether, hence the less than ideal composition. Still, you get the idea.
This post is dedicated to @Gwenfarsgarden, @sofaflyer and @earthFgardener - it's so long ago, you've probably forgotten, but thanks for helping with my mindfreeze over the amaranth.
Previous #autumnplanting combinations have been: