Not the pleasantest of subjects, but something for dog owners to contemplate.
I remember the less enjoyable moments of ownership being trailing round the garden with a shovel, looking for our terrier’s little “offerings”. I used to flush them down the loo (luckily we had one just inside the garden door).
But if you’re fed up with burying yours or wrapping them in newspaper for the bin, how about this? The Pet Poo Loo from Original Organics.
These are the people who invented, not just a domestic worm composter, but the word “wormery” and have over thirty years’ experience of worm composting.
One might want to ask them about any emanating smells, though once it’s composted it should be fine. The use of (supplied) Bokashi bran and the lid may remove this problem during production.
If you’ve got one of these, do let us know how you’re getting on with it.