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John Walker

I agree with Robin Lane-Fox that gardening isn't about 'saving the planet' - the planet will be here long after we've put out the light. It doesn't need 'saving', but we do need to act urgently to try and curtail human activities that are already unsettling the fine balance of our biosphere.

That said, I do believe that mainstream gardening in its current guise is not viable within ever-shrinking ecological limits, and I also think more earth-friendly gardening is going to become a serious part of all our lives as we move toward living on a planet with finite natural resources.

The fairies have really got a hold of this hugely important topic in the last week with the news that Garden Organic is in advanced discussions with Webbs Garden Centres about a new commercial venture.

I've done a blogpost on the gardens section of the Guardian web site, explaining why I think the proposed move is sending out all the wrong signals about the very essence of what it means to garden organically.

If you’re interested in reading the blogpost (you can leave comments too), it can be found here:


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