It might seem a bit cruel, giving a gardener a gorgeous replica of an apple. Sort of rubs it in – hey, have you managed anything as good as this? But on the other hand, of anyone, gardeners really appreciate the beauty in small things, such as the perfect peapod, or smallest berry.
More than twenty years’ experience in ceramics have made Lorraine Taylor and Nicky Smart, of Penkridge Ceramics, experts in reproducing fruit and vegetables, which they cast from moulds of the originals, then glaze. They have a range of over hundred different fruits and vegetables, from globe artichokes and garlic to tomatoes, plums and quinces.
Experience has taught them an intimate knowledge of their models. “Straight off the tree, colours are light and fresh, but as the fruit lies around the studio—assuming it’s not eaten—it ripens more and colours deepen and mature. We’re now experts on the aging of fruit!”
With each new growing season, they add new varieties and shapes to the range. “We make several versions of different fruit and veg so that they look natural piled up together,” says Lorraine. “We used to choose perfect specimens, but now we go for pieces with knobbly, interesting bits. In fact, we like to use home-grown produce. It has more character.”
I’ve seen their work and it’s truly lifelike and very difficult to spot the difference between these and the real thing.
For future reference, they’re also happy to copy a prize-winning vegetable for you, so Dad can show everyone just how big his pumpkin really was.
Now, there’s an idea for a pressie.