Have you bought all your Christmas presents? Sent all your cards? If you're like me, you've barely started and any moment now the frisson of seasonal anticipation will turn to the jagged edge of panic. At the end of November, I met someone who had already baked six Christmas cakes and six Christmas puddings, written all her cards and bought all the many gifts needed for her extended family. I felt, to say the least, inadequate.
With a keen eye for gardeners, Chris Madden has created a range of garden cartoons and could be your answer to both cards and presents.
A Funny Year in the Garden is a collection of his gardening cartoons and would make a fun present, while prints of his work are available at Cartoon Stock. (NB 2015, I wonder if the book is available direct from Chris - it's eye-wateringly expensive on Amazon.)
On his website, he features quite a number of humorous scenes which you download for a fee, paying £30 to print up to a hundred cards, so you’ll probably be most interested if you have a large mailing list. Still, it’s certainly an opportunity to send something a bit different.