Have your courgettes got away from you? There's usually one, isn't there? You'd swear it wasn't there at all, then you wander around the garden with an idle coffee in hand and come across this enormous Zeppelin that has apparently landed overnight.
Last spring I gathered together some songs that you might be tempted to hum in the veg garden. Since then, I've been in touch with Lisa who runs the lovely Turning Earth blog from her Yorkshire garden. It's really worth a visit, especially if you're looking for help on a particular type of planting, such as on walls, in shade, for foliage, for scent, all advice drawn from her experience in her Yorkshire garden.
Lisa remembered a super little song from her parents' record collection,which she enjoyed as a child, "aware that he was probably being a bit rude, in that rather innocent "Carry On" films way". Well, we all know what courgettes grow up to be, if we don't catch them in time. Enjoy.