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I absolutely adore this rose. Years ago when I was a child, I visited a rose garden, and Peace was the rose I felt was the most beautiful of all. I still do. It was one of the first roses I insisted upon having in my garden, all from the memory of that trip to the rose garden as a child. Now, that's love! As an adult, I learned about it's history, which only makes my love for it stronger.


I'm so glad you love the Peace rose as much as I do, Holley. It really is special.


Great blog, great choice - you do it justice!


Hi, I found you through Veg Plotting, so glad you love 'Peace' too! I inherited one too, when I moved in here 11 years ago, unfortunately the rose was probably quite old even back then so last autumn I finally decided to let it go. But it has been so beautiful I want another one! I have a special relationship with most of my plants, but roses are really close to me heart. If my garden was a bit bigger I would have lots more!

You have an interesting blog, have just had a little peak, will be back for mores some other day :-)


Hi, Helene. Welcome! I know, with all the new roses that come out every year, it's quite something that Peace still takes the prize for looks. I'll look forward to your visiting again.

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