Before Christmas I mentioned the cartoon talents of Martin Rolfe. I suggested that his offer to create a personal cartoon would make an unusual present, and, rather wowed by my own suggestion, I followed it up for a gift for Husband.
Martin asked that I send a couple of pictures, which I did (I even found a couple of Hubs in the garden) and I suggested a theme, based on Husband's gardening habits, and we had a bit of a brainstorm about captions.
And here's the result! Talented man that he is, Martin has definitely caught the likeness (how he did that for someone he's never met makes me brim with admiration), and it's a lovely colourful bit of fun for the wall.
I'm dead chuffed that I managed to keep quiet beforehand (it was a struggle). And, when he saw it, Husband was also dead chuffed. It's not often I've managed to give him a complete surprise or something that's unique. At least, not something he's liked.
In case you're wondering about the subject matter, let's just say that we are becoming expert in how to move plants at any time of year, in any state of growth - rarely do they settle in before they're off to a new rooting ground. So often have they been moved that, in the cartoon, they have actually learned to transplant themselves.
If you're looking for a unique present for a gardener, then I'd highly recommend contacting Martin over at his Online Sketchbook. Just remember not to leave it to the last moment; creativity needs space to think.
(It's surprisingly difficult to photograph artwork - you'll just have to take my word that the colours are jollier than they appear and the image is more 3-dimensional.)