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What might it teach me? That I need to declare the weedy bit in my garden is a piece of conceptual art and sell some tickets!


Tee, hee! We could put a tour together - I'm sure we could all contribute.

Julieanne Porter (@GwenfarsGarden)

You cannot even walk around it?! That would at least make it more interesting and interactive. It would make more sense if the piece was outside, to get the full effects of nature. I cannot see how it will "provoke questions about the city and nature, as well as wider ideas of chance, change, and hope" when it's a highly contrived piece of art inside a building with unnatural light.

Thanks for your piece Helen. I'd seen pictures of it on Twitter but it hadn't engaged me at all. I look forward to seeing your follow up piece on your visit.


My inner imp is delighted at the thought it's being seed bombed :)

And yes, let's do a tour... a virtual one would make it even more 'artistic' ;)


Thanks, Julieanne. Think I'll leave it a bit before visiting but obviously it has to be on the cards.
Michelle - a virtual tour is rather tempting. I wonder how many people we could persuade to take part?

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